Baseball season has started which means my laundry pile has gotten even higher. Through all of the games and practices during the week I’m there for every pitch, every swing, every slide and every mud mess and after game icee’s that follow with it. Until my little sports star is in the major leagues and has someone else washing his uniforms, that after game mess is added to my laundry pile.
This is our second year of tee-ball and I’ve found a few things that work great for tackling those messy uniforms after the game. My secret is by using the quick and cold washing machine cycle with Tide Pods. It not only gets the uniforms clean and bright but saves me time, money, and lightens my environmental impact!
The first thing you want to do after the game is to tackle those stains (if any) as soon as you get home. Use a stain remover or pre-soak liquid to help remove the stain. Try to use the stain remover that will work on the particular type of stain you have.
When you’re ready to wash you’ll want to make sure you have a laundry detergent that works in cold water like Tide PODS. Tide PODS are specifically formulated to work efficiently in quick and cold cycles. In fact, when used in quick & cold cycles, you get 10x the cleaning power in half the time compared to the leading bargain liquid detergent brand. Using cold water will prevent the uniform from shrinking and it will also do less damage on the colors than hot water can do. Washing clothes in cold water also saves you lots of energy and money. There’s an up to 80% reduction in energy use when using the quick & cold vs. normal cycles. And It also results in 40% less greenhouse gas emissions.
After washing, let the uniform drip dry on a hanger rather than putting it into a dryer. This is the best way to preserve the colors and to avoid any shrinkage.
Ready to help the environment – and your budget? Take the #QuickColdPledge with Tide at Walmart. Tide is making a national effort to encourage people to wash their clothes in quick cycles and use cold water through the #QuickColdPledge! To help get you started saving right away, use the Flipp app to download a P&G brandSAVER® coupon for $2 off Tide PODS at Walmart.
Take the pledge with me and share why you are taking the pledge on social media with #QuickColdPledge to help spread the word!
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Tide at Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.