“This post is brought to you by Boudreaux’s Butt Paste and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.”
With my first born, my diaper bag was always chaotic and over packed. After having our second child, I’ve learned what you need and what you absolutely don’t need. So, I thought I’d put together a list of my diaper bag essentials and what I think is helpful for a baby. These are things for the baby and not your necessities like your wallet, keys, lipgloss, etc.
Of course, your diaper bag essentials will vary based off of your baby’s age, how long you’ll be out, and where it is you’re going; but there are a few must-have items that you should never leave the house without.
What you need to pack the perfect diaper bag
Diaper Bag – Of course this is an obvious one. For my diaper bag I actually opted for using a large purse. Pick a style and size that best suits you.
Swaddling Blankets – I always carry a couple of these because you can use them as swaddling blankets, nursing cover, or even a burp rag if you need one.
Baby Toys – Anything that the baby can chew on like a teething toy or something that makes noises so that you have a form of entertainment when you need it!
Pacifiers – My two kids didn’t use pacifiers that much but I always kept them on hand just incase when they were a few weeks old, because sometimes it would help them sleep. Here’s a brilliant hack for storing your pacifiers in your diaper bag to keep them clean. You never know when one could fall out or you end up with the snack bag you packed leaking all over them. This keeps them clean until they’re ready to use.
Diapers and Wipes – This one is obvious, but one you want to make sure to double and triple check that you have every time you leave.
Diaper Rash Cream – These are baby changing must haves! I learned the hard way with my oldest child when he had his first diaper rash…and ohh boy was it bad. There was a lot of crying and pain and I tried everything. That is until a friend referred me to Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. Now, I like to keep a few different types of Boudreaux’s Butt Paste on hand so that I have one for at home, another for the grandparents, and in our diaper bag for on the go.
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is available in three different types; Original Butt Paste for minor or moderate rashes, Maximum Strength for stubborn rashes and All Natural for minor or moderate rashes made with natural ingredients and is paraben-, preservative, and phthalate-free. With the variety of products there’s something for all-types of rashes and all of them have simple ingredients while giving quick results. I usually carry around the original formula because we like to use it with every diaper change. Even if they don’t have a rash, this helps keep their bottoms comfortable, and works prevent a rash from happening in the first place.
Hand Sanitizer – I always love to have some hand sanitizer with me to quickly use on the go especially when there isn’t anywhere to wash your hands.
Snacks – This is something that never changes out of your diaper bag. My oldest is four years old and I still carry snacks in my purse for outings incase hunger strikes. They’re usually just easy finger foods like cereal or fruit pouches.
Change Of Clothes – This means not only a change of clothes for the baby but also for you. I learned this the hard one when we were out to dinner and my son had a blowout right that leaked through right on my shirt. I had extra clothes packed for my son but none for me. So, lesson learned! You never know when there will be a blowout.
What are some of your diaper bag essentials? I’m definitely a #ButtPasteMom and love sharing about it with new moms too! Share your Butt Paste love using the hashtag #ButtPasteMom on Facebook and/or Instagram.