Your children really will be the light of your life. One of the most common things for both the mum and the dad to say is that they didn’t think it was possible to love someone so much. And it’s true. For some mothers that feeling comes the minute they know they’re pregnant, others it’s the minute they’re born, and for some mothers it might take some adjusting to, but that insane love is still there. One thing you might also be aware of is that your children are going to become mirrors of you. Of course they’re going to be their own person with thoughts and feelings, but often, everything they become is because of you. The morals and values they learn in life come from you, some of their personality might as well. That’s why we know it’s so important for you to educate and create a child who is only striving to do their best. It’s your duty to ensure they become well rounded people with goals, dreams, and a positive attitude towards life. We’re going to show you how you can inspire your children to be the best that they can be in life. Keep on reading to find out more.
Inspire Yourself First
You definitely need to think about all of the ways that you can inspire yourself before you can inspire your children. If you feel like your life is lacking purpose other than being a parent, then it’s time to open your own eyes to the possibility of a new life that you could have. If you think about all of the things that you can do in life, or would want to do, it would no doubt be a long list of ideas. The truth is, some of us rush into life. We want to find someone to love, then we want to buy a house, then we want to have children. All of this happens whilst we aren’t really thinking about what’s going to make us feel grounded and happy. It’s one of the reasons why so many people are stuck in jobs that they actually hate. So, why not inspire your children by taking your own leap of faith and checking out Suffolk, an educational facility that could see you studying towards something that you truly want to do. Even if your children aren’t old enough to understand at the minute, it’s a story you can tell them when they’re older to give them the motivation to do what they want. Not only is this going to be great for inspiring them, it’s great for giving you purpose in life. If you do feel like you’re on a path that you hate then you’re only going to be doing good by yourself as well.
Change The Way You See The World
This is a really important one. Like we have said, there are certain aspects of life that your children will feed off. They’ll feed off the movies they watch, the video games they play, what the kids are saying in the playground, but most importantly, what comes out of your mouth. How many times have you been caught short with your child saying ‘mommy said this’. That carries on throughout life. Everything you do and say, they’re going to take in and process as their own thoughts. So if you’re perhaps always judging people, pointing out faults, or just having a negative attitude towards life, they’re going to think the same. So, you first need to think about how positive you are. Do you wake up every morning and start the day happy, or are you ranting about something? Do you go outside and greet everyone with a smile, or do you find yourself kicking off behind the steering wheel, or ranting about someone in the shops. If you can just take some time to change the way you view the world and the way you carry yourself, your children will start to mirror that.
Get Them Into Hobbies
This one is a great one, and more focused on how you can inspire your children to better themselves. Some parents are going to be big into pushing their children to have a hobby from a young age. But that’s exactly what you don’t want to do, push them to do something. It has to be something that they’re so passionate to try. So, even if that means your little girl wants to try football, let her do it! Or if your boy wants to try horse riding, there’s nothing wrong with that. We think there is still a stereotype that boys have to go to football, and girls to gymnastics or dancing. We’re living through a time where children should be empowered to do whatever it is they want to do, as long as it’s something positive. Plus, hobbies are a great way for your children to have a bit of character building. It gets them meeting new people, staying fit and active, and having something to look forward to that becomes their passion. You never know, allowing your child to be super focused on a hobby from a young age could lead them to being the next superstar!
Try Volunteering
Volunteering is a great way to inspire your children to be the best that they can be. There are so many people out there that are less fortunate than you and your family might be, or even if you don’t go for a humanitarian aid one, there are animals that need our help more than ever. Volunteering makes your children so much more humble because you’re teaching them to give up their time to help others. You’re showing them what it means to be compassionate and caring and take notice of life around them. You could do events to raise money for charity, go litter picking, run charity races, go and help out at care homes. There are tons of ways that you and your children could volunteer up your time!
How To Handle Certain Situations
There are plenty of situations that you can handle differently, and that you should show your children how to handle differently. It could be issues at school, or in their personal life. To be the best that they can be they need to be shown the perfect balance of how to be compassionate and caring when needed, how to stick up for themselves when they need to, and how to be the bigger person when they need to. The biggest one is bullying in school. How your child handles that and processes it is going to have a big impact on how they grow up to be. You need to try to teach them to be the bigger person, and to understand the comments are just words. There are so many other little life lessons you’ll be able to give them based on certain situations that will happen in their life.
Allowing Them To Be Their Own Person
Finally, make sure you give them some time to be their own person. You can guide them and teach them all of the life lessons you want, but ultimately they have to chose their own path and become their own adult one day. So don’t pressure them to have certain views or opinions, or to act certain ways and do different things. Your relationship with them is going to be so much better if you can let the reigns go slightly, and only pull them back in it they’re going down a wrong path, such as getting involved with the wrong people.