With Christmas just around the corner, Amazon Prime has taken over my house. I’m such a hoarder when it comes to craft supplies I save everything because I know I can use it for crafts later. So needless to say, I’ve had some of the Amazon boxes stashed for some cardboard ornament ideas I’ve been meaning to do. Here’s one that we did over the week using cardboard, popsicle sticks, and some paint to make a sweet Lollipop Ornament Keepsake.
How To Make A Lollipop Photo Ornament
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Supplies Needed:
Start off by painting your popsicle stick any color you’d like. We did red and white striped for ours.
Next cut out a circle for the lollipop and take your photo that you’ll be using for the ornament and cut that circle a little smaller.
Then you’ll want to decorate your lollipop. We went with glitter but you can just do paint if you’d like or both!
Set that aside to dry and once it’s done you’ll glue your photo to the middle of the lollipop. Then seal your lollipop with mod podge! Here you will get a complete glue buying guide.
Finally glue your lollipop stick to the circle and then add your ribbon. Cut a piece for the hoop to hang and then you can add a cute little bow for under your photo.
Make sure to follow I Heart Arts n Crafts on Facebook and Pinterest! And if you decide to make any of our crafts, please share them on our Facebook page or use #iheartartsncrafts on Instagram for us to see!