When you’re a new mom, the last thing you’re probably thinking about doing is a workout. But stick with us, because exercise has so many positive effects ranging from boosting your mood to lifting your energy levels and improving the quality of your sleep.
Obviously, if you’ve just given birth, you want to wait until your body has healed, and for any caesarean mommies it’s wise to follow your doctor’s advice before partaking in any physical activity. But if you’ve waited until your body has healed and you’re now thinking about exercise, but aren’t quite sure where to start, Baby Schooling are here to help. We’ve put together a list of the most enjoyable exercises you can do with your little one, so no one is excluded from the fun!
1) Push Up With Kisses
For this exercise, begin by laying your baby on an exercise mat and then straddle your arms around them, pointing your legs down in the same direction as theirs. Each time you do a push up, you have the option to kiss your little one’s head or belly when you bend your arms, and we can guarantee that they’ll find this hilarious! If you’re worried about falling onto your baby, then move yourself down so that your head is level with their feet and kiss their toes instead. Also, if you’re struggling with the push ups, feel free to start with the “cheat’s” option, supporting your body with your knees.
2) Squats with Weight
This exercise involves your baby actually being a part of your workout, which is great for getting some bonding time in! Stand with your legs around hip-width apart and bend your knees until you can feel the burn. Instead of squatting with dumbbells, you might get more joy out of holding your little one in the air (Lion King style) and bringing them down for a kiss every time you straighten up again.
3) Baby Glute Bridges
We can guarantee your baby will love this one! This exercise will really tone up your bum and thighs, and has the added bonus of being lots of fun for you and your baby. Start by laying on your back with your little one sitting upright on your belly. While you’re holding onto them, push your bum up off the ground and then lower it back down again. Do this until you can start to feel those muscles burning!
4) Russian Twist with Weight
This exercise involves using your baby as a weight again and focuses on your abs this time. Seat yourself on a mat on the floor and hold your baby up in front of you. Then, lean back slightly and twist from left to right. You should be able to feel your abdominal muscles burning. If it feels a little easy for you, lean back until you start to feel the burn more intensely. For entertainment’s sake, maybe add in a few kisses with your baby as you turn to each side.