My daughter will be 6 months next week and I can’t believe how fast it has gone by.It’s amazing to see in just a few months how much more active and aware of their surroundings they are. Although she may not be running around the house and ready for our craft sessions with her older brother, there are still a ton of activities that you can do with your baby. Here are some of our favorite activities that will promote your babies physical, cognitive, and language development!
15 Baby Activities
Reading To Your Baby – Choose books with bright colors and patterns. They love to hear your voice and helps with bonding. We do our story time every day before nap time and bed time. The soft books are a favorite of my daughters or the ones that make noise!
Mirror Play – Whether it’s a mirror in their crib, pack and play, or a toy they love watching themselves. At this age they are discovering their feet and hands so we love ours in her pack and play so she can watch herself play!
Toys With Sound – Anything with sound is a great idea they learn the cause and effect. That once they hit it, it makes a sound.
Singing – This is an activity that our son loves to chime in on. The Itsy Bitsy Spider or Patty Cake will have your little one smiling and laughing. Babies love social play!
Rain Bath – A great way for your baby to explore their senses is through a rain bath.Water play is a great sensory stimulation. We have Tupperware buckets for play that have holes on the bottom of them that we use for this activity.
Talking To Your Baby – The most important and simple activity of them all. Your baby loves hearing YOU and seeing you while you talk. It helps language and social development and creates a better bond with you.
Rolling Over – Tummy time is so important to help build up those muscles. Once they’re ready they will start rolling over on their own. Our daughter rolled over at 4 months and we spent a lot of time before that doing tummy time.
Making Music – Now that our daughter is sitting up on her own she is able to sit in her high chair. She loves when I’m cooking and I let her use a plastic kitchen utensil she will bang it on her tray to create music. Usually my son is standing there with her dancing to whatever ‘music’ she’s creating.
Mimicking – This is how our son learned to speak his first word, he was repeating what I said after saying mom mom mom everyday to him! Not only does it help with language development but she thinks it’s hilarious.
Baby Massages – My daughter loves her massages after bath time. I’ve noticed the nights we may skip it she will have a harder time falling asleep!
Tummy Time – Lay them on their stomach and encourage them to move or grab toys. We usually use one of her small stuffed animals or noisy toys and wave it in front of her to encourage her to look and grab. This strengthens the muscles to help them learn to roll over and crawl.
Activity Mat Play – Ones with a mobile are great when they are at the following and grasping stage of development. Once they are able to push themselves up you can move on to one of the other play mats without the mobiles.
Touching Different Textures – We use different books for this that offer different kinds of textures and materials on each page. Encourage them to touch the different pages.
Physical Development – Do some dancing. Obviously while being gentle and your baby is laying down, gently move their arms or legs around they love moving their legs and arms around at this age so they will probably be doing it themselves.
Finger Painting – Once your baby is sitting up on their own this is a fun activity to do with the edible finger paint recipes like this two ingredient Neon Taste Safe Finger Paint recipe. If you’re afraid of a mess put the finger paint in a clear zip loc bag and tape it the high chair table for them to mess around on so it’s mess free!
More Fun Baby Activities
15 Sensory Play Activities For Babies
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kristineklassen says
Such a good list!
My daughter is also turning 6 months next week, and it is beautiful to see them develop, – the changes are apparent from day to day it seems. I want to try out the baby massage. I did it in the beginning, but I should see if my daughter enjoys it more now. She will if she’s like her mama!
Have a great week.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Great list. I never would have thought to do finger painting with a baby that small, but it is actually a great idea.
Louida (@MissLouMae) says
I have to say, that picture of your daughter is so freakin’ cute, I just want to pinch those cheeks!!!!
Great list! I like tummy time and finger painting the best.
Anna L says
Great list! I’d never heard of a rain bath before. I’ll have to look into it.
Mrs. Mashed Up says
Mirror Play was fun with Baby Mash! Great list!
mommy2apirateandprincess says
Good list! It was so fun at that age to watch them discover everything
Katie @ Cup of Tea Blog says
My little one hated tummy time, but loved mirrors, singing/talking and books! Great list!
Kungphoo says
That is a great list for people with babies 3-6 months.. We used to read to our kids all the time when they were that young.
Mama's Happy Hive says
Love this list! 🙂 Your little girl is the most adorable child. I love her chubby arms!
Sarh S says
Great List! Would be great for all new parents to read and help them connect with their babies too!
Joanna Sormunen says
Really cool activities and great tips! Thank you for sharing!
Mommy A to Z says
Love the rain bath idea! Great tips for playing with baby 🙂
Mystarlight says
Great Ideas! I don’t have one this little anymore but my sister does and I will send this post to her! Adorable Baby!!
Melodi Steinberg says
omg your baby is the absolute cutest baby I have ever seen! (aside from mine of course)
Elayna Fernandez-Bare says
These activities are wonderful. I love them! You are such a good mommy!
Lavende & Lemonade says
Adorable! Mirrors are so fun at that age. Enjoy!
Yona Williams says
I love to see a baby’s face light up when they discover all of the excitement that a mirror can bring. It’s the cutest thing to see.
teresa mccluskey says
My kids loved tummy time and sound toys! I loved when they use to giggle when they got either of these!
Becka says
She is just ADORABLE! Precious baby girl you have there!. Great list of activities too. 🙂 Mine were a big fan of being talked to. 🙂
Lexie Lane says
Oh! I remember those! Although we didn’t do enough tummy time, I don’t think. Your little lady is sooo cute! Her cheeks are lovely!
Diane says
I saw your daughter’s picture on pinterest and I just had to follow the link to your blog, so I could tell you she is absolutely adorable!! Blessings to you and your family!! 🙂
Saanvi says
These activities are really wonderful… And it’s very helpful to me for six months old daughter..