We all want our kids to do well but how can we make them smarter without handing them books to read every day? This is where some smart parenting comes in and you need to create or invest in some games that will make them smarter. Here are some ideas to get your going.
Letting them play
Believe it or not, but unstructured play is one of the best things you can let your kids do to help make them smarter. Free play has been cited as one of the best ways to help kids become creative and grow their imagination. Imagination has been linked to intelligence, so if you hear them dreaming up magical worlds, you can be sure that this is their brains growing into something beautiful.
Creative play
Getting the art stuff out can be a bit of a drama, especially when they decide to throw paint at each other. But if you can get them to focus on a task, it can be hours of fun. You can even get them to make and create some games such as word tiles or board games. Using their minds like this is a great way to create pathways in the brain that cause intelligence. This is also linked in with our point above and imagination too.
Word games
These types of games do not need to be sitting down and table games, although this type is great for when the weather is bad. Learning to unscramble words is a great way to encourage their vocabulary and improve their language skills. Learning new words is a great way to keep your own mental health in check too. It is never too early or late to learn more words and about the language that you speak.
Being in nature
Nature is one of the best ways to teach our kids about the world around us. If you head to any nature trail, there is a good chance that there will be an information board with various information about what you can expect to see there. There is also nothing wrong with investing in some small pocket guides to take with you so that you can identify plants and birds while you are out.
Bath time
Getting into the bath doesn’t sound like an educational activity, but it is. The bath can be used in a number of ways. From bath toys for imaginative play to using letters and numbers to help with English and maths. There is the added bonus of them learning about personal hygiene and why it is important to bathe regularly. Try and encourage regular bath time as part of their bedtime routine.
As you can see there are many ways to encourage your child’s brain development, and they are not what they seem. If you use these techniques, your little ones will be jumping ahead and will be top of the class before you know it. So be sure to encourage play in all of its forms.