This is my son’s first year of school so I’m trying to prepare myself for those busy mornings where I’ll be rushing out of the house with my son and my toddler in tow. To make things go a little bit more smoothly I will be taking advantage of some of these brilliant lunch hacks for kids!
I’d also love for you to share your favorite tried and true Lunchbox Hacks. Just leave a comment below!
Back To School Lunch Hacks And Tips
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1. DIY Lunchbox Icepacks
Use a frozen sponge for an easy DIY icepack.
2. Birthday Lunchbox Surprise
Surprise your birthday girl or boy by giving them a surprise lunch they have to unwrap.
Source: Happy Home Fairy
3. Make Your Own Healthier Lunchables
Bento Boxes and Divided Storage Containers are great for making your own Lunchables! You can use muffin tin liners as well for separating some of the food. I love the idea of the homemade pizza lunchable from Momables!
Source: Momables
4. Make Snack Butterflies
If you plan on using Ziplock snack bags for their lunches, make them fun but adding a clothespin, paint and pipe cleaners to make your own snack butterfly.
Source: Clicky Chick Creates
5. Make Silly Sandwiches
Add some silly faces to your sandwiches by using this fun idea from I Heart Crafty Things. Or check out this genius tutorial for adding your child’s favorite Disney characters to their snack bags from Pink Stripey Socks. You can even use some cookie cutters or sandwich cutter like these to make your sandwiches into fun shapes and animals.
6. Pre-Sliced Apples + Keeps Them From Turning Brown
Use this genius hack to keep your apples from turning brown! Preslice their apple, reconstruct it, and wrap a rubber band around it to keep in the juices and prevent it from going brown before lunchtime.
Source: A Helicopter Mom
7. Secret Banana Message
Use a toothpick to carve a message on the banana and as the day goes on it appears!
8. Make Your Own Squeeze Pouches
Make your own healthy squeeze fruit pouches by using reusable squeeze pouches like these and filling them with applesauce, smoothies, or yogurt.
9. Make Your Own Homemade Uncrustables
Check out this awesome recipe for DIY Uncrustables using a Sealer n Defroster. Make a bunch of these and freeze them for later!
Source: Unsophisticook
10. Store Hot Foods In Thermos
Keep the chicken nuggets from getting soggy and store them in a thermos container, it’ll keep them warm till lunchtime! These 10 oz thermos are perfect!
Source: Another Lunch
11. Make A Lunch Packing Station
Use a utility cart like this to keep all of your supplies in one spot, so you’re not rushing in the kitchen the night before. You’ll know exactly where everything is.
Source: How Does She
12. Send Little Notes and Jokes
Make your kids smile by sending little notes or jokes in their lunches. Here’s some free printable lunchbox notes you can download.
Source: I Heart Arts n Crafts
13. Organize With Lunch Bins
Organize all of your lunch items by keeping bins in the refrigerator for perishable items, this way everything you need to pack is within arms reach.
Source: Live Simply By Annie
14. Drain The Juice
Use this hack to drain the messy juice from a fruit cup before you pack it.
Source: Your Modern Family
15. DIY Masonables
Use this brilliant idea using fruit cup container and a small mason jar.
Source: Soup Spice Everything Nice
Make sure to follow I Heart Arts n Crafts on Facebook and Pinterest! And if you decide to make any of my crafts, please share them on my Facebook page or use #iheartartsncrafts on Instagram for me to see!
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It was nice that you suggested preparing a surprise lunch that your child has to unwrap. My husband and I are planning to buy collectible lunch boxes for our children. We want them to feel excited whenever they will check their lunchbox at school, so I’ll consider all your tips.